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Get on-time and accurate monthly financial statements.

Effective accounting is crucial for business success. Neglecting it can result in significant costs and flawed decisions down the line. We overcome all your accounting challenges to produce on-time and accurate monthly financial statements. We resolve past accounting issues, streamline bookkeeping processes, and establish easy-to-follow systems. We also support you in building and strengthening your accounting team so they maintain robust practices after our departure.


You created your business out of passion and a desire to serve the market. Getting to where you are has taken a lot of hard work. High accounting standards and a robust finance function are vital to growing the business, handing it over to the next generation, or attracting investors.


In our Outsource CFO service, we help you fix all accounting issues and set up a world-class accounting and finance system to deliver on-time and accurate monthly financial statements. While working with you, we’ll also advise you on simplifying your business and assess your team’s readiness to take your business to the next level. When we finish, you will have a robust system you can manage without us.


As your Outsource CFO, we:

  • Oversee the work of your accounting and finance team

  • Work with your staff and service providers to produce on-time and accurate monthly financial statements following high accounting standards

  • Instruct your staff on correct and efficient bookkeeping and data entry

  • Improve your workflow, process of paperwork, and data entry

  • Work with your team and/or outsourced service provider(s) to ensure they file all tax documents correctly and on time

  • Give insight and direction to improve the budgeting process

  • Provide strategic recommendations focused on long-term business and financial planning

  • Implement accurate costing methods so you know the profitability of your products and clients

  • Can assist in the selection and/or implementation of accounting software and/or the accounting function of your ERP system in matters related to finance and accounting

  • Refine inventory management to reduce working capital requirements

  • Are available to answer questions and help resolve any tax, accounting, or business issues related to accounting and finance


Finally, changes in the accounting and finance teams are usually necessary for our success. Together, we will identify the team members who can be retrained and those who may need to be let go. We will also help you identify and hire those with the required competence and commitment.


Depending on your situation, the number of transactions, and the complexity of your business, this process typically takes 6-12 months.

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